Publications [under construction]



Learned nocebo effects on cutaneous sensations of pain and itch: A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental behavioral studies on healthy humans | Psychosomatic Medicine - 10.1097/PSY.0000000000001194.

Thomaidou, M.A., Blythe, J.S., Peerdeman, K.J., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Van Schothorst, M.M.E., Veldhuijzen, D.S., & Evers, A.W.M. (2023)

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Can placebo and nocebo effects generalize within pain modalities and across somatosensory sensations? | Pain, 163(3), 548-559. - doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002390.

Weng, L., Peerdeman, K. J., Della Porta, D., van Laarhoven, A. I., & Evers, A. W. (2022).

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Do individual psychological characteristics predict induction and generalization of nocebo and placebo effects on pain and itch? | Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13 - 0.3389/fpsyt.2022.838578.

Weng, L., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Peerdeman, K.J. & Evers, A.W.M. (2022)

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Can contagious itch be affected by positive and negative suggestions? | Experimental Dermatology - 10.1111/exd.14663.

Meeuwis, S.H., Skvortsova, A., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Holle, H. & Evers, A.W.M. (2022)

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No preconscious attentional bias towards itch in healthy individuals. | PLOS ONE -

Becker, J. M., Holle, H., van Ryckeghem, D. M. L., Van Damme, S., Crombez, G., Veldhuijzen, D. S., Evers, A. W. M., Rippe, R. C. A. & van Laarhoven, A. I. M. (2022)

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Placebo effects on cutaneous pain and itch: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental results and methodology | PAIN - 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002820.

Blythe, J.S, Thomaidou, M.A., Peerdeman, K.J., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., van Schothorst, M.M.E., Veldhuijzen, D.S., & Evers, A.W.M. (2022)

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Acute Itch Induces Attentional Avoidance of Itch-related Information. | Acta Dermato-Venereologica -

Etty, S., George, D. N., Van Laarhoven, A. I., & Holle, H. (2022)

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Induction and generalization of nocebo effects on itch | Experimental Dermatology - doi: 10.1111/exd.14522.

Weng, L., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Peerdeman, K.J. & Evers, A.W.M. (2021).

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Nocebo Effects on Cowhage-evoked Itch: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Classical Conditioning and Observational Learning | Acta Dermato-Venereologica - doi:10.2340/00015555-3723.

Blythe, J.S., Peerdeman, K.J., Veldhuijzen, D.S., van Schothorst, M.M.E., Thomaïdou, M.A., Van Laarhoven, A.I.M., & Evers, A.W.M. (2021)

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Attentional Bias Modification Training for Itch: A Proof-of-Principle Study in Healthy Individuals. | Frontiers in Medicine -

Van Laarhoven, A. I. M., Becker, J. M., Van Ryckeghem, D. M. L., Van Damme, S., Crombez, G., & Wiers, R. W. H. J. (2021)

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Temporal structure of brain oscillations predicts learned nocebo responses to pain | Scientific Reports - doi:10.1038/s41598-021-89368-0.

Thomaidou, A.M., Blythe, J.S., Houtman, S.J., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Van Laarhoven, A., & Evers, A.W.M. (2021).

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Cognitive processing of itch and pain: the role of attention and expectations. | Wolters Kluwer - Book Chapter.

Van Laarhoven, A., Peerdeman, K., van Ryckeghem, D., & Evers, A.W.M. (2020)

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Attentional Bias Towards Visual Itch and Pain Stimuli in Itch- and Pain-free Individuals? | Acta dermato-venereologica -

Becker, J. M., Vreijling, S. R., Dobbinga, S., Giesbers, J. J. J., Evers, A. W. M., Veldhuijzen, D. S., & Laarhoven, A. I. M. (2020)

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Placebo and nocebo effects for itch and itch-related immune outcomes: a systematic review of animal and human studies | Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 113: 325-337 - 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2020.03.025.

Meeuwis S.H. Van Middendorp H. Van Laarhoven A.I.M. Van Leijenhorst C. Pacheco-Lopez G. Lavrijsen A.P.M. Veldhuijzen D.S. Evers A.W.M. (2020)

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Placebo and nocebo effects on itch: a review of experimental methods. | Itch - 10.1097/itx.0000000000000027.

Blythe, J.S., Peerdeman, K.J., Veldhuijzen, D.S., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Evers, A.W.M. (2019)

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Optimizing audiovisual itch induction: the role of attention and expectancy. | British Journal of Dermatology -

Van Laarhoven, A. I. M., & Holle, H. (2019)

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What is new in the psychology of chronic itch? | Experimental Dermatology, 28(12), 1442-1447 - 10.1111/exd.13992.

Evers, A.W.M., Peerdeman, K.J., & Van Laarhoven, A.I.M. (2019)

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Nocebo effects and scratching behaviour on itch | Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 98(10), 943-950 - 10.2340/00015555-2979.

Bartels, D.J.P., Van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Van de Kerkhof, P.C.M., & Evers, A.W.M. (2018)

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Attentional processing of itch | Psychological Research, 82(5), 876-888 - 10.1007/s00426-017-0878-2.

Van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Van Damme, S., Lavrijsen, A.P.M., Van Ryckeghem, D.M., Crombez, G. & Evers, A.W.M. (2018)

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Placebo effects of open-label verbal suggestions on itch. | Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 98(2), 268-274 - 10.2340/00015555-282.

Meeuwis, S.H., Van Middendorp, H., Veldhuijzen, D.S., Van Laarhoven, A.I.M., De Houwer, J., Lavrijsen, A.P.M., & Evers, A.W.M. (2018)

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Expectations about the effectiveness of pain- and itch-relieving medication administered via different routes | European Journal of Pain, 22, 774-783 - 10.1002/ejp.1163 *joint first authorship.

Peerdeman, K.J.*, Tekampe, J.*, van Laarhoven, A.I.M., van Middendorp, H., Rippe, R.C.A., Peters, M.L., & Evers, A.W.M. (2018)

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Placebo- und Noceboeffekte bei Pruritus | Hautarzt -

Tekampe, J., Peerdeman, K.J., Bartels, D.J.P., can Laarhoven, A.I.M., Evers, A.W.M. (2018)

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Do Tonic Itch and Pain Stimuli Draw Attention towards Their Location? | BioMed Research International -

Van Laarhoven, A. I. M., Van Damme, S., Lavrijsen, A. P. M., Van Ryckeghem, D. M., Crombez, G., & Evers, A. W. M. (2017)

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Attentional processing of itch. | Psychological Research -

Van Laarhoven, A. I. M., Van Damme, S., Lavrijsen, A. P. M., Van Ryckeghem, D. M., Crombez, G., & Evers, A. W. M. (2017)

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Minimizing nocebo effects by conditioning with verbal suggestion: A randomized clinical trial in healthy humans. | PlOS ONE -

Bartels, D.J.P., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Stroo, M., Hijne, K., Peerdeman, K.J., Donders, A.R.T., et al. (2017)

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Placebo-like analgesia via response imagery. | European Journal of Pain -

Peerdeman, K.J., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Bartels, D.J.P., Peters, M.L., Evers, A.W.M. (2017)

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An Integrative Review of the Influence of Expectancies on Pain. | Frontiers in Psychology -

Peerdeman, K.J., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Peters, M.L., Evers, A.W.M. (2016)

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Relieving patients' pain with expectation interventions: a meta-analysis. | Pain - 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000000540.

Peerdeman, K.J., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Keij, S.M., Vase, L., Rovers, M.M., Peters, M.L., Evers, A.W.M. (2016)

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Placebo and Nocebo Effects on Itch: Methodological and Clinical Implications. | Pruritus -

Evers, A.W.M., Peerdeman, K.J., Bartels, D.J.P., van Laarhoven, A.I.M. (2016)

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Inducing expectations for health: effects of verbal suggestion and imagery on pain, itch, and fatigue as indicators of physical sensitivity. | PLOS ONE -

Peerdeman, K.J., van Laarhoven, A.I.M., Donders, R.T., Hopman, M.T.E., Peters, M.L., Evers, A.W.M. (2015)

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Role of Attentional Focus on Bodily Sensations in Sensitivity to Itch and Pain. | Acta Dermato Venereologica -

Van Laarhoven, A. I. M., Kraaimaat, F. W., Wilder-Smith, O. H., & Evers, A. W. M. (2010)

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